May 7, 2021

The First Week in May

This is a beautiful time of year in Virginia. Flowers are blooming, leaves are green,  and rain is keeping things lush. The frequent rain does present a problem when we want to spend time outdoors, so we have to be flexible ... and prepared. 

I've been trying to take regular walks.  On Sunday I walked a short distance at Jenkins Gap in Shenandoah National Park. The first three pictures are from there. 

The Appalachian Trail is just a stone's throw from the parking lot.  Wildflowers were blooming along the trail. I don't dare to venture far from the car when I'm by myself because my ankles are easy to sprain due to loose ligaments. I enjoyed the scenery though. 

[Black and White Image: Fern.] 

Skywatch: I drove back toward Front Royal and stopped at an overlook. The evening sun was reflected on clouds as a "sun dog," part of a halo called a parhelion.

Next let us look at some irises. One of the neighbors has a lovely garden of irises. I have a few, including a two-toned fringed iris. 

Friday Bliss / Garden Affair / Floral Friday

Art at the Mill is held in Millwood, near Boyce. We went on Wednesday when it is not at all crowded. This is the final weekend.

Yesterday we met with our accountant to sign our tax forms. Then we went to Southern Kitchen for lunch. They have deep-cleaned and redecorated. Every other booth is marked as unavailable to ensure social distancing during the pandemic, which finally seems to be waning here.

Today it rained on and off. Frank did some yard work and I visited Seven Bends State Park. I had volunteered to help with a project that got postponed due to the rain. I walked a short distance and took pictures of wildflowers. 

I was delighted to see a peacock in the parking lot! It lives at a nearby residence. Then it jumped up on my car!

He seemed to like the view from there, and also checked out his reflection. I walked around taking pictures, and then tried to coax him down. 

He did not want to come down. I wondered if they bite like geese do. I did not want to find out. He stayed up there for half an hour! 

I'll share another picture of him tomorrow. 


  1. Great photos, and a very handsome peacock!
    I love the light in your black and white photo.

  2. That sky looks stunning. The peacock is noble.

  3. Gentle rain is pleasant and easy to deal with but torrential kills outdoor activity in a hurry.

  4. ...I rarely see a peacock.

  5. Oh my goodness, you have been chosen by the king of the birds (except considering the Eagles of course!) Loved seeing the wildflowers...and tame ones too!

  6. Great peacock experience - once in a lifetime! Wonderful irises... Next week everything is going to burst in Finland too, summer temperatures almost the whole week. Feels great.

  7. this is such a beautiful time of year's so good you are getting outside and enjoying it!! the iris is stunning!!

  8. We had friends who had peacocks that they let run loose. It would get up on our car and would leave once we started slowly driving away.

  9. Stunning array of Irises, Thanks for joining in Garden Affair.


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