May 30, 2021

Field of Flags

Winchester, Virginia

It's Memorial Day Weekend and a display in front of Handley High School honors fallen soldiers with a "Healing Field of Honor." 

The Rotary Club offered to "Honor a loved one" with your flag purchase. Names of those honored were affixed to the flag poles.

I noticed that a historical marker was across the street for the First Battle of Winchester. It marks a Civil War battlefield from May 1862. A Federal Army commanded by Major General Banks was routed here by Stonewall Jackson's army. 

I usually post a church for Inspired Sunday and I found one nearby. This is the Winchester Seventh Day Adventist Church.


  1. Love the first photo!
    Have a blessed day!

  2. Wonderful Memorial Day post and photos. Take care, have a happy day and a great new week!

  3. I live near a Veterans Cemetery, and when I drove by the other day, saw all the flags which had been placed by each marker. Stunning. That's a beautiful church photo.

  4. Gosto de ver todas as bandeiras, são muito patriotas, isso é bom.
    Aqui até queimam a nossa bandeira.

  5. Enjoyed the photos Linda, they always bring a tear when I see them.

  6. Linda I enjoy your daily photos and have followed you for quite a while. I was thinking about my father on Memorial Day .. he was a veteran, happens to be resting at Arlington National Cemetery but is a Winchester native and a graduate of Handley High School so to see the photo of the school with the flags in the foreground.. I felt as though he was communicating with me. Thank you


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