February 5, 2021

Old and New Stuff for Friday

Willy Nilly Friday

It's the end of another week and I have a few odds and ends to share, starting with an old image in black and white. I took this with my Kodak Brownie in Beach Haven, New Jersey. My aunt and uncle had a summer place on the ocean. 

My brother, my parents, Aunt Doats, Cousin Curt, Peggy, Uncle Don.

Floral Friday / Garden Affair / Friday Bliss: Yesterday I drove to Haymarket to get some groceries that I can't find here. Wegman's had some nice flowers for sale. 

On the day before that, I stopped at Strasburg Town Park and ate a protein bar for lunch with a view of the North Fork of the Shenandoah.

Recently I received my blog book for the second half of 2021. It's a printed version of my blog posts, and I've been getting these ever since I started blogging in 2005. Now these books almost take up an entire shelf.

Let's close with something to think about. A friend posted this and it really rings true. I remember struggling to work with back pain and other health challenges back when I was single. I had a mortgage to pay so I had to force myself to go to work even when it made me feel worse. 
Stay safe and stay healthy!


  1. I loved the old photo in black & white - happy times, happy smiles. The blue landscape is also beautiful Enjoy your weekend.

  2. Enjoyed seeing your photos, especially the view of the river.
    Have a blessed day!

  3. ...I remember when ALL photos were black and white! Being healthy is what is important, today more than ever!

  4. Blog books is a great idea. I should look into doing that. Love the old b&w shot of your family.

  5. I think I lost the first comment...so here goes again. I have more stuff on shelves than anyone could need...I think I'll skip blog books. You have a nice collection though.

  6. Most of us have worked through sickness at one time or another. We didn't all have jobs that paid us whether we were there or not.

  7. Memories! My first camera was a Kodak Baby Brownie that my mother bought on honeymoon in 1939.

  8. That last quote is so true. Thank you for sharing that. Great old black and white photo of your family. Pretty photos of flowers and river scene. I like the idea of making a book out of blog posts and have been thinking about it for some time now. Thanks for resowing the seed :)

  9. I love the reflection photo!

  10. I am glad you find such lovely flowers in the market. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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