February 17, 2021

Mourning Doves and Cardinals



  1. Awww - the cardinal is a delight.

  2. Always lovely to see the little birds in different parts of the world!
    Wren x

  3. Now those two lovely characters could put a smile on a grumpy face!

  4. ...both come to my feeders.

  5. I'm always happy to see our neighborhood cardinals and our one red-headed woodpecker. Hours of birdwatching fun.

  6. Coo, coo. I've noticed that a couple of doves that hang around our yard have got used to us humans.

  7. Aren’t they pretty and such a contrast with each other. Beauty comes in all styles! We do see doves here but not Cardinals.

  8. Love the place name of where you live, can you tell me where and how it originated?
    Of course the Cardinal steals the show on this occasion

    Stay safe

  9. They're all gorgeous to see!

    It's great to see your link at 'My Corner of the World' this week!


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