February 28, 2021

A Church and a Drive through Shenandoah National Park

Mt. Olivet Christian Church is near the town of McGaheysville in Rockingham County. The older part of the building dates to 1900.

I took these pictures a year ago after an errand in Harrisonburg. I drove east to Shenandoah National Park and followed Skyline Drive north towards home.

Even in February, the views are lovely. I saw some deer, which I often do up there.



  1. Always nice to see a more southern view of the drive ;)

  2. What a great place to be able to explore.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Nice church, like the pointy spire

  4. There's a sight for sore eyes, I haven't been up there in ages and haven't seen a deer in as long. Thanks for sharing these Linda :)

  5. One of my wife's sisters lives in Harrisonburg,

  6. ...there sure are a bunch of Mt Olivet churches around.

  7. How nice to try a different stretch of the Parkway.

  8. That's a nic looking church. Beautiful deer and views.

  9. Que privilégio de ver um veado, lugares lindos que só vejo em filmes.

  10. Count on deer to be quite aware of you.


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