December 11, 2020

Friday Variety.

It's Willy Nilly Friday, an excuse to post images that are not from one place or time, and also to join some weekend linkups.

Skywatch: Clouds and the Massanutten Range.

Reflections: These windows in Harrisonburg reflect the sky and the cornice of the old post office building. 

Friday Bliss: Since I don't have any flowers blooming in this cold season, I'm sharing a flower I saw at Weber's Nursery. 

Black and White: I decided to cut my hair after watching a couple of instructional videos. As they suggested, I made two pigtails, banded them twice and cut above the lower band. Here I realize that maybe I cut it too short. 

It's short and somewhat choppy. I've had that result in salons at times, so I don't feel too bad! At least I didn't risk getting exposed to Covid! 

One more image: This is an old photo of my parents from before my time. I took a picture of it using Google's Photoscan app, which minimizes glare by taking four shots in slightly different positions. Another blogger told me about this some time ago and I forgot about it until recently.


  1. Hello,
    what a lovely photo of your parents. I like your selfie photo, I have cute my own hair and had hubby make it even for me. The sky views and flowers are beautiful. Happy weekend to you!

  2. ...great clouds, in person and in reflections! Hibiscus are a wonderful treat. My hair and beard keep getting longer. Google's Photoscan is something to try. Thanks Linda for joining the party.

  3. My wife's sister lives in Harrisonburg, VA.

  4. Love the shot of your parents, I'll have to try the photoscan technique. My hair just sticks out every which way. I'm mainly tired of anything on my face, so I'm glad to push it back most of the time. Glad it's hat weather, so nobody sees it when I go out!

  5. Hmm, I'll have to photo scan. I probably won't be cutting my own hair anytime soon, not that I have much. Certainly not enough to make any pigtails

  6. I also liked the reflection picture - I like taking those types of shots. The photo of your parents is wonderful. That software did a very nice job. I don't have enough courage to cut my own hair yet but I'm at the point where I don't want to risk going to my hairdresser. I keep forgetting You Tube as an instructional resource. Alana

  7. Love your fun selfie! I was at the hairdresser yesterday - I think I must be a pound or two lighter now! It felt a bit strange having my hair washed with a mask on, but at least hairdressers are always washing their hands ;-)

  8. I like that photo of your parents. Interesting the accommodations we are all making for COVID, like cutting our own hair!

  9. That is a great advice for cutting the hair - my husband has done it for me:) I might try it, your hair does not look too short. The reflections on the glass windows look great. Enjoy the Advent time.

  10. lol!!! you hair cutting expression is precious! I am cutting my hair myself very often (regardless of the current situation)- consulting you tube videos or just being "inspired" and I enjoy it. never tried the pigtail method though.

  11. Stunning Hibiscus blooms ! It would be my pleasure if you join my link up party related to Gardening here at


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