October 8, 2020

Signs, Signs... Shenandoah.

Signs in Front Royal warn of "Leaf Traffic Coming," alternating with "Expect Delays." Why? Front Royal is the northern gateway to Skyline Drive and Shenandoah National Park. Weekends in  late October bring hordes of "leaf peepers" to the town and traffic backs up for miles as they wait to pay admission to the park.

If you must come on a weekend, get there early. Traffic is usually not bad before 10 AM. 

Foliage colors are just starting to change. The second picture shows a couple of trees at dusk, at Dickey Ridge Visitor Center in the park.

Pictures 3-7 show scenes at Shenandoah Caverns today. I did not tour the cave or the parade museum because I have been there before. I wanted to photograph the small post office which is inside the entrance building, which also has a gift shop. 

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  1. ...all friends welcome is my favorite. Thanks Linda for joining the party, take care.

  2. A great series of photos!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. There is an advantage to living in an area not prone to tourism traffic, like I do in my part of New York State. Much of the color, no warning signs. I never realized it got that bad down there. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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