September 29, 2020

The Clouser House, South of Winchester

This older house stands at the entrance to a community called Shawneeland. The house is empty and has been preserved because it stands on historic property.

The Klauser/ Clausser / Clowser family owned this property for many years. In 1764 it was the scene of an Indian attack. "Henry Clouser and two of his sons were killed, and his wife and four of his daughters taken."

Here's a close-up of a window, which is actually plywood painted to look like window panes. 

A recent marker stands at the family cemetery to commemorate those who are in unmarked graves. Three names all have the same date of death and those are the people who died in the attack. An infant daughter died in the aftermath.

The French and Indian War had ended by that time but perhaps word had not reached the war party of the Delaware Indians that attacked these settlers in the mountains of Virginia.

The hostages were taken all the way to Ohio. They were retrieved the following year by Colonel Henry Bouquet. They finally made it home in January 1765. 

Also on the property is this attractive wheel house. I think it's more recent than the Clouser House.



  1. ...a turbulent time in history, things may be different today, but they are still turbulent! Thanks Linda for joining the party, take care!

  2. Hello,
    I like the pretty wheel house, it is great to have these historical place preserved. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. Sad to read about the killing of the men, and kidnapping of a days when the European settlers moved into Indian's lands...when my ancestors were among them too. History had many unpleasant events, didn't it?

  4. The first house looks similar to one we have in town. It was built in the early 1900s by an Italian family in the style of their home country. The main difference is a pillared portico entrance. - Margy

  5. I particularly like the wooden wheel house, although it isn't as old as the white house, which I can see in the first picture. The windows clearly show that the house was built more than two centuries ago.
    I would have never thought of a French-Indian war in the XVIII century. Interesting post!

  6. Interesting piece of history, although the painted wood windows are a little odd.

  7. Another bit of history preserved. I enjoy learning bits and pieces like this.

    It's great to see you at 'My Corner of the World' this week!! Thanks for linking up.

  8. Really lovely photos! The history is really very interesting! Thank you and have a grand week!


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