September 19, 2020

Birds in a Shelter, Deer in Fields.

This afternoon I made a brief stop at a garden shop which was in a quonset-style structure. There were birds flying around freely and sometimes they rested on the rafters.

On the way home I drove through Blandy and saw deer in the distance. A little later I saw one in a field.

hawkShortly after that I saw a hawk perched on a pole but he took flight and I only got one quick picture of him before he disappeared from sight.
 Sharing with I'd Rather B Birdin'


  1. We often see birds of prey perched on top of power poles in this area. Also, deer and pronghorn antelope.
    A Batch of Fishes

  2. Hello, The hawk do love to sit on poles and wires near the roads. Love the sweet deer images. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day. Wishing you a great new week! PS, thank you for the comment and visit.

  3. Hello. Nice serie. Photos of deer are beautiful.
    Take care.

  4. Great post, especially the Deer, cheers Linda.

  5. The Cooper's hawks love to perch on the poles along the highways around here. I really like the photo of the deer in the distance. Happy Sunday!

  6. Birds really seem to be happy to fly around and perch in greenhouses.

  7. Birds get inside. I remember them inside the Palm Springs Airport waiting room. - Margy


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