August 1, 2020

Theme: City People

Themes for the monthly City Daily Photo linkup are decided a long time in advance and “City People” did not seem like a difficult theme at the time. But then the pandemic hit and people are discouraged from gathering in groups. Businesses closed their doors.  We find ourselves in a different and  rather lonely world.

Since I didn't have any current photos on this topic,  I went into Front Royal to take some pictures. The main street is now blocked off on weekends so that restaurants can use the sidewalks as café space. Indoor seating is allowed but only at limited capacity. Unfortunately rain was approaching so only a few people were dining outdoors.

I took a number of pictures using my cell phone, having left my camera in the car because it might make people uncomfortable. I decided to use the image of the woman on a bench as my theme picture because is represents the behavior of many of us during this time of social distancing: she is using her phone to stay connected and her pet is her companion.

Barricade keeps traffic off Main Street.

A band attracted a small audience.

On another street, I stopped behind a cyclist at a traffic light. His vest reads "Lone Wolf. No Club." 


  1. Hello,
    Great city scenes and people photos. I love the cute dog too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a great new week! PS, thank you for visiting and for the comment.

  2. Serene, but vacant feeling. I wonder why wear a vest like that, it advertises his personality...

  3. i love looking at motorcycle men ... and their patches and such. very cool. makes u wonder where they have been and what they have seen?? so curious. ( ;

  4. These pictures portray the theme well. We are indeed in lonely times.


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