July 14, 2020

The Old Inn at Cacapon.

This is the oldest lodge in West Virginia's State Park System. It was constructed by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) in 1934.

A larger and more modern lodge was built in the 1950's, but this old one is still rented out to large families or groups.

The Old Inn is next to a small creek.

Sharing with Tuesday Treasures.


  1. ...back with FDR we had the CCC and now with Trump we have the Trump Plague! The CCC was a fabulous program and we are still enjoy the fruits of its labors. Thanks Linda.

  2. I love the architectural beauty of the old inn. It made me feel like lodging.

    Thank you for your visit. The new corona is formidable, not so fatal but gradually havoc our world. It would be very difficult to keep balance between health and economy, both of which could kill people. Stay safe, Linda.


  3. This would be a fun place for an eventual family reunion!

  4. Beautiful and historic. Nice!

  5. I love the old log building and it's huge stone fireplaces...especially since it's being maintained! The surviving buildings from the CCC are becoming more rare these days. I wonder just how many there are.

  6. Looks like a neat place to visit.


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