May 11, 2020

A Sad and Beautiful Spring

It's sad because we cannot be with our friends and relatives, and so many things we love are unavailable due to the pandemic. Still, springtime is beautiful and we love what nature offers.

The Good: Flowers, oh yeah! Sometimes I think Mother Nature is mad at us, but she is still filling our world with beauty. 

Mosaic Monday

The Random: This is the third mural that was painted on the walls of a Mexican restaurant in Winchester. I felt a little sad that I disappointed the owner or manager who was watching at the door. I imagine he was hoping I was a carry-out customer. Restaurants in Virginia have had to close their dining rooms but can still sell carry-out food. Some are really struggling, although fast food places with drive-through service are still busy.
Monday Mural, Our Colourful World.
The Fun: Here's a neighbor fishing in the community pond. There are some large fish in there. Sh-h-h, don't scare them!

Have a good week! Stay safe.


  1. It's take-out and delivery over in California, too. We're still hesitant about taking advantage of it, no matter how tempted we feel, because of our risk factor. I have been experimenting a lot with my mish-mash of meals.

  2. The flowers are so prettu, I love purple! Stay safe and healthy everyone ☺

  3. ...Linda, remember what true sadness would be like if we didn't do the true things during Trump's mess. I'm not ready to check out of here!

  4. Beautiful Spring flowers. Here restaurants will be starting to open up next week, but they can only host up to 20 people, so it doesn't pay for big venues to open up yet. But it's getting better...
    Nice mural :) Thanks for participating Linda.

  5. Hello, it is sad we can not be close to our family and friends. I do enjoy seeing your lovely flowers and photos. The mural is wonderful. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  6. The poignant contrast between spring beauty and human sadness is more intense than ever before this year. The poets who wrote about it never envisioned this world!

    be well... mae at

  7. Beautiful spring blossoms...I've been doing take-out at least once a week at my fav locally owned restaurants. I want them to stay afloat.

  8. I would love to go fishing! One of these days...maybe I will! Love the flowers...Something beautiful for us to enjoy! Hugs!

  9. Linda - yes, nature is doing just fine with or without us! Lovely flowers, and that mural is stunning. Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday, and I hope things start improving there!

  10. In these rather strange times just to see some beautiful flowers lifts the spirit.
    Very nice collection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

    PS I wonder if the fisherman caught a fish!

  11. Mother's Day we were out and about, driving back country roads and I noticed that all the small towns had murals.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  12. Your flower mosaics are gorgeous!

  13. It has felt like the last two months have been much longer.


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