March 2, 2020

Indoors and Outdoors, Late Winter

Random-osity, Front Royal, VA.
The Good: My dentist's office has some artful touches. Here's one of the walls.

Monday Mural.
The Random: I was at the dentist today to have a crown replaced. I grind my teeth in my sleep and had ground down the old one to the point where it was damaged and was weakening the tooth.
Blue Monday.
The blue image shows the crown being made. A computer guides the machine in shaping the porcelain to the exact fit for what remains of my tooth. 

A 2.5 hour dental session is not fun, so let's go outside!

The Fun: We've had some nice days recently and on one of them we went to Rockland Park for a short walk.

Mosaic Monday.
Bonus pictures: I drove down to the boat landing in Front Royal and took a few photos of the Shenandoah River.


  1. Linda - the color in your collages is lovely - so soft. A nice escape from the dentist! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  2. ...neat mural, it sounds like you need a mouth guard when you sleep.

  3. Nice artword at the dentist's office. Not a fun day at the dentist for sure! My husband used to grind his teeth in his sleep due to stress and he had to wear a mouth guard. Thanks for participating Linda.

  4. Hello, Love the mural. Pretty views of your walk and the river. Enjoy your day, have a great week ahead.

  5. The bare trees in the mural look realistic — good for this season. Too bad about your tooth!

    best.... mae at

  6. Sorry that you had to wait at dentist, and hope the new crown lasts a long time. Beautiful river shots.

  7. Ściana u dentysty niesamowita! Niby uspokajająca, ale intryguje!

  8. Dentist appointments are never fun.

  9. I like that curve you put in your last mosaic. I'm gonna have to try that, Linda. :-) The tree mural almost looks like a real landscape.

  10. Interesting photos. I am also in the middle of a series pf dental visits!! Two crowns not cheap!! Take care Diane

  11. I received my first crown last September, it was an awful experience and I still have days of pain. I hope yours went better.
    Dawn aka Spatulas On Parade

  12. Sorry about the visit to the dentist. Lovely views of the park and the river!


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