March 19, 2020

Another Normal Not-Normal Afternoon

We're not quite on lockdown here but schools and many businesses are closed. Frank got a call that his prescriptions were ready at the drugstore so we drove there and then went to pick up some burgers to eat. It was my second choice; I was going to order carryout lunches from Cracker Barrel but they were so busy I gave up holding on the phone and drove to Roy Rogers (in Front Royal).

Most restaurants are offering carry-out meals only in order to comply with emergency rules to avoid crowding. Not everyone agrees, but most of us are trying hard to avoid contagious situations. We were able to wash our hands and get carryout burgers. We drove down to the river and ate them in the car.

 Fences, Little Things and Thankful Thursday.
If you drive down Country Club Road and under the railroad, there's a riverfront trail below the golf course. It was a warm afternoon and some young men were fishing. I saw a jet ski and a motor boat go by.  

We only took a very short walk, reaching a spot where Crooked Run meets the Shenandoah River.

I'm glad to be able to do some normal and pleasant things, even though so many things are not available right now.


  1. Yes Linda Get out there as often as you can (with social distancing of course) as the air and sun will bring up your immune system and hopefully that will help with this virus. Love your fences. Stay safe.

  2. Hello,

    Eating your burgers with the river scenery sounds nice. Take care and enjoy your weekend!

  3. It looks like a nice place to have a take out lunch and take a walk. I'm in the tri-state area (NY, NJ, CT) and all restaurants were ordered closed. They're only allowed to fill take out orders that get phoned in ahead of time. I'm not sure what is happening with fast food places like McDonald's: maybe it's the drive up window only. I miss Roy Rogers. They have great burgers, but the ones in Connecticut closed awhile back.

  4. Glad to hear of your "outing" in the times of staying isolated. Well, almost. And thanks for sharing the photos to remind us of beauty.

  5. I know we are all social distancing, but getting out like this is important, I think! I did a couple of errands yesterday, all through the drive-thru option. Just nice to leave the house. Schools, gyms, beauty shops, etc..., are closed here in KY. Strange times. Thanks for linking up and stay well.

  6. Sounds good to me...I love burgers! My boys work at cracker barrel as servers so that has obviously stopped for them.

  7. Lovely to get out especially right now. Good for the soul :)

  8. I was just saying to Gregg how I would love a burger right now :) We were thinking of taking a drive up to Skyline Drive but staying a safe distance from people. I read somewhere that we will never take shaking someone's hand for granted after this. And a good many things I'm sure. Thanks for all the lovely photos and enjoy the weekend, whether it be riding around or staying home :)

  9. ...we have a new normal from the guy who gave us alternative facts!

  10. Amo seu blog e suas imagens, vejo muitos filmes americanos e me apaixono por essas cidades,
    gosto muito dos lugares que posta, me parece as vezes um pouco solitário, aqui também estamos presos, sem sair da casa do mato, sem contatos por enquanto...espero tudo passe logo, Deus nos ajude. bjsss

  11. We're all dealing with a new "normal." I'm glad you were able to get out for a bit.


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