January 22, 2020

A Party of Robins

I was surprised to see over a dozen robins in my yard yesterday. They were gathered around a puddle, taking drinks. 

Robins don't actually go south for the winter. They do travel around in flocks, but they are seeking out food and water. They are able to fluff up their feathers and stay warm.

There were other birds in my yard too, but they were not at the puddle. I also saw squirrels, as usual.

Sharing with Wild Wednesday 

I've been experimenting with Photoshop so here's a filtered image.


  1. I never see robins in winter. I love the collective noun 'party.'

  2. Ja nigdy nie widziałam takich drozdów. W Polsce takich nie ma. Miło je widzieć na Twoich zdjęciach. Pewnie jest za ciepło i dlatego nie odleciały.

  3. Aww! What a cute party! Love the photos.

    Happy Thursday!

  4. Linda,

    Is that true of any bird that doesn't migrate? There are number of them in our area, Robins as well as other varieties, and I often wondered why it is some go south and others stay put. Lovely display of Robins sharing the same water puddle. Must have been a thirsty bunch of fowl mouths or should I say beaks? Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Hello, cute series of Robin photos. Happy Thursday, enjoy your weekend ahead.

  6. Yep, we've got the fluffy Robins too. Not every day, but a flock comes visiting often.

  7. We won't see them here until April.

  8. Your visitors (the robins) are so cute. I like the filtered image.

  9. They pretty well all go south from here!

  10. I'm always so glad to see the robins return here in the spring. Nice pictures.


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