December 23, 2019

Coming, Going, and Fancy Random-osity

Good: The recycling and trash center that was out on Route 55 has moved to a spacious location on Powhatan Road, Strasburg. This means I know longer have to fear backing the car off a hill when I try to leave, plus the big dumpster for recycling cardboard is now on level ground instead of on a steep slope. Oh, and it offers a view of the Massanutten Range.

Random: Art in the Valley has closed. They were on Main Street in Front Royal but the owner is moving to Pittsburgh. 

Fun: We made a return visit to historic Rosemont in Berryville to see the beautiful Christmas decorations. There was abundant live greenery, with sumptuous red and sparkly things.
Mosaic Monday.
I realize the images are small, even if you click on the collage. There are larger photos in our December 2017 tour of Rosemont.

I noticed the remote control in the middle of a nativity scene. I see it as a symbol of how we are distracted by electronics.

If I don't see you tomorrow, please accept my wishes for a loving and peaceful holiday!


  1. Linda - you are right that we can get distracted by many things, even during this special season. I hope today and tomorrow bring you peace and joy. Thank you for your faithful participation in Mosaic Monday. I always look forward to glimpses of your world.

  2. Visiting the dump is always fun. It goes all the way back to accompanying Daddy when I was a kid. :-) Cheers, Linda!

  3. i love the hexagon pics cute!! love that idea! Merry Christmas! ( ;


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