October 3, 2019

Unexpected Signs.

In Strasburg, VA.

Signs, Signs: These signs face a parking lot but there is a house on the other side and the fence is on its property. Thus they are private property even though they get a lot of exposure.

We'll take a closer look at two of them.

There was another sign off to the left,  quoting the Equal Rights Amendment, which did not pass the Virginia legislature.

The final photo shows a very different sign a block or two away. 

This is on the door of a small fitness center that was founded with a mission of providing wholesome activity for young people. 


  1. While I agree with the sentiment behind the political signs, I find such signage on a permanent display comes across as aggressive. I saw the same here, from the opposite political viewpoint, this week.

  2. ...Linda I'm a bit surprised to see the first signs in your neck of the woods, the last one I'd expect. It's interesting how selective some can be when supporting the Constitution, some parts!!! Thanks for sharing.


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