October 10, 2019

Seen in Edinburg.

Edinburg was once called Stony Creek after the river that runs through it on the way to the North Fork of the Shenandoah.
Sharing with Fences Around the World.

When we were in Edinburg for their yearly festival, I photographed this young man who is an actor with Theatre Shenandoah.

Then last weekend we went to a play at Theatre Shenandoah. It is a small venue on the second floor of a building that has had other uses, including a firehouse. The play was Arsenic and Old Lace.

We weren't allowed to take any pictures of the play because there are copyright issues.


  1. The first photo of a big white house with wagon wheels in the foreground looks big enough to be a B&B...so I wonder who might live in it...hopefully a big family. Great to hear about a production of an old favorite play, which I'm sure was enjoyable.

  2. I always enjoy your posts Linda, thank you and have a great weekend.


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