October 5, 2019

Birds on Wires, Birds in the Air.

The first scene is in Strasburg. I've seen birds perched on the wires by a stop light many times, but when I noticed that one bird is different, I pulled out my camera to take a picture. He's a white bird, slightly to the right of center. Is he leucistic or an entirely different species? I can't tell from such a distance, but I noticed he was there again the next day.

The second photo shows birds on a wire too, although here the wire almost disappears against the sky. The location is Middletown.
The third image shows geese flying over Middletown.

Satuday's Critters and I'd Rather Be Birdin'


  1. Interesting I wonder what the white bird is. Diane

  2. Pretty! Really pretty Linda.

  3. ...it reminds me of the song ' Bird on a Wire.'

  4. I can't figure what the species is based in this picture, but it could just be a white pigeon.

  5. Hello, I was think the same as David above, a white pigeon? Great captures. Love the geese in flight. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead. PS, I appreciate the visit and comment on my blog.

  6. Good to see your photographs, but I too wonder what the white bird is?
    Perhaps as David and Eileen have said it is a white pigeon.

    All the best Jan

  7. so pretty. what fun great moments to take some photos!! have a great upcoming week!! thx 4 your comments. ( ;

  8. I always love it when birds are all lined up on a wire...

  9. I wish wires would disappear for me! They ruin so many pictures. But when there’s a bird lineup on one, then that makes a good picture!

  10. The white bird really stands out from the others.


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