September 25, 2019

Watchful Birds and a Grasshopper.

1. The vulture on a fence was a surprise. I only took one picture before he flapped his wings and flew away.

2. The crow likes to perch high on a tree at Indian Run Overlook in Shenandoah National Park.

3. Also in the park, a green grasshopper landed on my car window. After peering in at me and my camera, he turned sideways and posed!

4. Late yesterday afternoon, a cardinal visited my bird bath. Although the light was dim, I was anxious to do a test shot with my old Nikon P510 because I was using a new SD card. Normally that's not a concern, but I'd had problems using a memory card with that camera for a long time. Yesterday I drove to an old-time camera shop in Warrenton because we don't have one anywhere near my home. They suggested that the last card I used in it was too fast/too new for the old camera. I should have figured that out because my trail cam does not work with "Ultra" cards either. 
Northern Cardinal, Female.
I have a newer camera so I only use the old Nikon (which came out in 2012!) for taking bird pictures at my window. It has a 42x optical zoom, which is great for photographing birds, except that focusing is tricky so I use work-arounds, like placing all my feeders the same distance from the house. Since the SD card wasn't working but the Nikon has built in memory,  I was using only that memory and downloading the pictures every few days. It's good to have the extra memory of a card again.


  1. Lovely nature moments! Always good to enjoy even the small wonders too.

    warmest regards,

  2. ...yep, it's grasshopper time.

  3. Whow, what interesting photos, and to know your process.

  4. I like birds, but insects are also fascinating to me.
    Great photos!

  5. Love that grasshopper!

    All the best Jan

  6. I like the one of the posing grasshopper the best. Nice post.


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