July 19, 2019

July at Shenandoah River State Park

1. It was hot today (100° F) but I went to the store in the late afternoon. Then I made a stop at Shenandoah River State Park, where the temperature didn't seem as high. The view from Cullers Overlook is always a treat.
Skywatch Friday.

2. I found the park rather quiet, partly because it was late in the day, but also because the oppressive temperatures kept many folks inside. I took a short walk down to the canoe launch and took a few pictures. No one was there.

3. The trees along the riverbank tend to show exposed roots. The water has washed away the soil on the side facing the water.

There wasn't much color in the image so I made it Black and White.

4. Wildflowers are doing well this summer. I guess native plants are hardy in our hot weather.

Have a nice weekend. Stay hydrated.


  1. Wow, that's HOT! Love the shapes of those roots.

  2. Beautiful view. A very peaceful park to enjoy. Interesting to see the exposed tree roots and wildflowers are lovely.

  3. Hello, that view is beautiful. I love the wildflowers.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  4. ...well, let me say, your HOT is hotter than my HOT! I've got lots of water with me, thanks for stopping by. Take care,

  5. Lovely quiet photos, nature is boiling along. I hear cicadas and a few birds, only one robin is hunting this morning outside my porch.

  6. Oh, that was really hot! I would have stayed inside with air conditioning :) Pretty photos & wildflowers. Thank you for linking Linda, wishing a bit cooler weekend.

  7. The roots are perfect subject for black and white.

    My Black and White Weekend

  8. Phew! That is hot …

    I agree those roots do make a fabulous black and white photograph.

    All the best Jan

  9. It's been a scorcher everywhere lately, or so it seems. The wildflowers are beautiful.


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