June 30, 2019

Weyers Cave Rurality

Weyers Cave is a small town in Augusta County. According to Co-op Living, It got its name when a train depot opened there in 1874 and it was the closest stop to Grand Caverns, which were discovered by Bernard Weyer.

InSpired Sunday.
A sign outside this charming church says "New Vision Ministries." I did not find a history of the building but it used to be home to Melanchthon Lutheran Chapel. I found an old photo of that chapel and it shows three steps instead of a ramp. There is no steeple. The nearby cemetery has graves dating back to 1854.

Weyers Cave is in an agricultural area. I stopped briefly at the town park/ community center and could view pretty farms surrounding it.

The Barn Collective.


  1. Belas fotografias, gostei de ver e aproveito para desejar um excelente mês de Julho.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  2. ...beautiful views of your neck of the woods. By far the red barn steals my heart! Thanks for the visit.

  3. Beautiful pictures! The sky is a perfect shade of blue.

  4. It certainly looks like a quiet area.

  5. Lovely views of the church and the countryside.


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