June 22, 2019

Ostrich Dance

Today I found myself next to an ostrich farm. I did not go too close to the fence because I did not want to scare or antagonize these huge birds, but I did take a few pictures standing a short distance from their fence.

Only one of them approached me. Almost immediately he began to perform side to side movements with his head, crouching down and leaning left-right-left-right. 

I took  photos and apparently that was not the desired response. After a few minutes he turned and walked away.
 Saturday Critters.


  1. Hello, Cool photos of the ostrich. It is neat they have an ostrich farm. Thank so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day! Have a great new week ahead. PS, thank you for the comment on my blog.

  2. Oh he's so beautiful! I guess you weren't his type...

  3. Lovely pictures of the ostrich …

    All the best Jan

  4. Quite curious about you! What a formidable bird.

  5. I would feel intimidated by an ostrich if I was very close to it. Perhaps you're better off with it moving away from you. Great shots of the dance!


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