May 3, 2019

This Week's Highlights

1. It's apple blossom time and Winchester is celebrating with "The Bloom" this weekend. I hope their big parade doesn't get rained out. We won't be going anyway because Frank is supposed to stay off his feet.
Floral Friday and Friday Passions.
2. Marie was in town last weekend for a work-related event. Lynn and I drove up to Reston on Monday and had lunch with her before dropping her off at Dulles Airport.

I took this picture of Marie in a restaurant. The lighting was poor and had an orange cast so I converted this to black and white.

3. Today Peggy and Bill stopped by for a brief visit. They are going to a memorial service tomorrow in Northern Virginia. Bill is a cancer survivor but he lost his left eye to chemotherapy.

Bonus picture: Bill took this photo of me with Peggy. Can you tell we're sisters?

4. Yesterday at John's Family Restaurant, I noticed a sign (lower left below) with this message in chalk:
We don't have Wi-fi. Pretend it's 1995 and talk to each other.

5. Also seen in John's Family Restaurant, reflections of a chandelier.

6. On my way home one afternoon, I crossed the railroad tracks and was so impressed by the way they glowed that I parked the car and walked back to take a picture. Apparently my cell phone did not like my shooting toward the sun because it gave me a message that it was overheating and would shut down the app!


  1. I'm so sorry for Bill however he looks happy!

    Yes you are sisters! :)

  2. A real winner! Beautiful post.
    Best regards!

  3. have some nice family time! John's Family Restaurant looks like a homey place. Thanks Linda for stopping by, enjoy your weekend.

  4. I would love to go to John's Family Restaurant - especially with family! Glad you had a visit with do resemble each other a bit. Loved the railroad tracks...even if they burned right through the camera.

  5. I like the RR track photo!
    Beautiful apple blossoms, always good to have time with family.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. Beautiful apple blossoms. Good to meet up with friends and family members. Yes, both sisters resemble each other.

  7. That last shot is lovely. Have a good Saturday, Diane

  8. I definitely see the sister resemblance. Love that last photo. So cool how the metal tracks catch the afternoon light.

  9. The apple blossoms are such a pretty sight to see.

  10. The apple blossoms are lovely! Nice photos of you and your family members. Yes, I do see a resemblance between you and your sister.

  11. I love the sign about not having wifi!! I also love the railroad and chandelier reflections shots.

    Have a great weekend!!

  12. Apple blossoms are the most beautiful thing in the early spring. The railroad photo is fantastic. And yes, you and your sister share same features.

  13. Love your portrait of your sister - it works really well!

  14. Great reflection shot! I love the bottom photo too.

  15. I like your image of Marie. It is beautiful :)


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