May 25, 2019

Born to Be Wild? (Not Quite.)

We happened to be in Bealeton today and saw a large number of motorcycles stopped at a gas station/convenience store. By the time we left there were close to a hundred of them! No doubt they are participating in Rolling Thunder, an annual Memorial Day event in Washington, DC. 

Changing gears, I'm sharing pictures of farm animals, starting with a cow that I filtered in Photoshop for Athena's photo art linkup.

A horse is a horse, of course.

And then we have geese, and even some chickens.
Weekend Reflections

And finally, a nice sheepdog.
Saturday's Critters


  1. Hello. Wonderful serie of photos. The photo of geese is so beautiful. Lovely dog.

  2. Nice artwork and lovely pictures of all of the animals <3 Pawkisses for a Joyful Sunday🐾😽💞

  3. Hello, love the cute sheepdog. The horse is beautiful. Cute geese and chickens. Happy Memorial Day. Thanks for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend. PS, thanks for your visit and comment.

  4. Super cute critters Linda and lovely reflection ✨

  5. ...I went to a car museum this week and saw a collection of motorcycles from the early 1900s to the present.

  6. Great shots, but one thing is missing- cats :) Have a great day!

  7. Lovely critters, and reminding myself that around here a motorcycle is often called a hog...thus another critter species, eh?

    1. Very good! I wish I'd thought of that myself.

  8. Great pics, I love farm critters, as long as I don't have to take care of them.
    The whole motorcycle thing.. Years ago we were coming home from Kansas about this time of year and a bunch of motorcyclists were convoying on I70 across Kansas blocking the freeway and they had their "security" blocking entrance ramps while the convoy was going through and I wrote on my blog about what a bunch of crap that was and got attacked because they were going to Washington to "support" veterans. So I told a few of them to stay home, sell their rides, and send the money to veterans. What a lively discussion that ensued.

    1. I try not to argue with motorcyclists. ;-)

  9. The horse is wondering if you have a carrot.

  10. The sheepdog is a cutie. Wonderful selection of critters. Nice creative work on the cow.

  11. Great animal shots. The sheepdog looks friendly.


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