April 3, 2019

Trail Cam Pictures Left Over from March

March is finally behind us. I examined the SD card from the remote camera by the lake and downloaded the interesting pictures from the past month. Only a handful of these are worth posting.

The first image is full-frame, taken in the best light of the batch. You'll notice half the image is of a bush, and that's because if I turn the camera to the left, it faces glaringly bright afternoon sunlight, which the instructions say to avoid. I understand it could damage the sensor to shoot directly into the sun. The sun sets to the right behind the bush. By late afternoon the camera is in shade.

I cropped the rest of the images in Photoshop. At night the pictures are black and white. I've noticed in other night pictures that the deer like to nibble on this bush.

The two photos of birds in flight are from different days. I cannot tell what kind of birds they are.

The final shot catches a goose landing on the water.


  1. Hello, lovely scenes and photos from your trail cam. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Hi Linda...glad you have a critter-cam, as you are capturing shots the rest of us only see on "Natue" shows. Thanks.

  3. It must be fun to see what you captured on your trail cam--every time it's something new.

  4. Such very nice scenes from your trail cam.

    All the best Jan

  5. one never knows what will turn up. Someone did a ham it up show once on mine, doing silly moves and faces

  6. These are great and I missed that about glaring sunlight damaging the sensor. Thank you for sharing that. I need to adjust mine.

  7. love the in flight shot ... so cool!! have a nice happy weekend. ( ;


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