April 14, 2019

Children of Abraham

I saw this sign for an event at a local religious center. They have had a couple of previous events to bring in folks from the local community and foster understanding.

This time they seem to be emphasizing the commonalities of the most well-known Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

From Wikipedia:
True Abrahamic religions are monotheistic. They also all believe that people should pray to and worship God often. Of monotheistic religions, the Abrahamic religions have the world's largest number of followers. They are also all ethical monotheistic religions meaning they have a certain set of rules that they have to follow.


  1. ...I've heard this before, but people seem to use religion to divide people. It doesn't make much sense.

  2. I hope the event will be well attended...and supported in the community. It's right after the big Christian holy day, and the Jewish passover. I don't know if there's also a spring season holy celebration in Islam.

  3. Any effort to encourage people to try and understand each other and get together as a community seems like a good idea to me.

  4. A nice community event to get people talking and understanding each other.

  5. This is a fun time to remember unity is the passion

  6. If it helps different ways of thought interact, so much the better.

  7. An interesting post Linda, and I applaud their efforts to bring people together.

  8. I think this is a good idea for unity also!!


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