April 11, 2019

April Fences and Blossoms

Yesterday I ran an errand in Winchester and took a ride through a pretty area of estate-type homes. Early-flowering trees and bushes seemed to be everywhere.

Winchester is home to the annual Shenandoah Apple Blossom Festival. The area is known for its apple orchards.


  1. The blossoms in our garden are almost over though there are a couple of later trees. Have a great weekend, Diane

  2. Hello, pretty blossoms. They are a lovely sight to see.
    Enjoy your day! Have a great weekend!

  3. Great juxtoposition of gates/fences/walls and the blooming bushes and trees! They are all lovely!

  4. I know you are enjoying your spring!

  5. Lovely apple trees, it is spitting snow today

  6. Enjoyed these, loved looking at the cherry blossoms. The gateposts are nice too, especially liked the last photo. I have a friend in Winchester and have heard her talk of the Apple Blossom Festival. I love this time of the year and am looking forward to the dogwoods blooming also. Have a great weekend Linda :)

  7. Such a beautiful time of year. I love seeing all the new blooms.


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