March 25, 2019

Colorful Commerce Street, Culpeper.

Another photographer tipped me off about a series of murals near the Visitors Center in Culpeper. Since I already had a trip there on my to-do list, I drove down and found them.

They are behind St. Stephen's Episcopal Church along a parking lot wall. I was surprised by how many there were.

The church has a building next to this where, among other things, volunteers distribute food to people in need.

Monday Murals and Mosaic Monday.


  1. Linda - how nice to get a tip from a fellow photographer! Super job with the collage of the murals. Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday!

  2. Great find Linda and a great variety of murals. Thanks for contributing. My favourite would be the one with the peacock.

  3. That's a great parking lot wall full of murals!
    Happy Tuesday!
    Wren x

  4. ...Linda, you found the Mother Lode.

  5. Impressive that you go out in search of murals. I mostly keep an eye out while driving in unfamiliar places. These are really worth finding.

    best... mae at

  6. These are a real find...though obviously the cars were a bit of a problem in photographing them. Thanks so much for crawling around the cars to capture the art.

  7. Happy MosaicMonday! Wonderful captures.

  8. There is a lot of things happening in this series of murals. I love all the animals.

  9. I remember driving in Nova Scotia, it is really flat near the coast. You could tell when you were coming to a village or town because the steeple stuck up above the green fields and brush. - Margy

  10. an amazing find, was this all the same artist? Like them all

  11. Those are real pretty murals Linda, thanks for sharing them.

  12. Lots of color and life. That's great how folks are into creating murals.

  13. Very skilful murals! Wishing you a nice week.

  14. Outstanding paintings that you captured beautifully!

  15. Lovely murals! Amazing to see so many together like that.


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