February 3, 2019

Christ Episcopal Church in Winchester.

This church dates to 1828. It has roots going back earlier, as detailed on their history page, which mentions that Winchester's "founder, James Wood, Sr., named the tiny 1740s settlement for a familiar English cathedral city."

We went to a concert here in late December. Here are a few photos for InSpired Sunday.


  1. ...the first shot of the tower is my favorite.

  2. Very nice church and beautiful stained glass

  3. Hello Linda!
    I am delighted with the architecture and interior of the church.
    Is beautiful.
    Greetings, Linda:)

  4. What a beautiful old church, which seems to serve the community well. Now about the Mumbai escort service...nah.

  5. Linda igreja. Eu canto no coral e cantar nesta igreja deve ser maravilhoso.
    Adorei teu blog.

  6. Quite an elegant-looking church!

  7. That's a handsome church. Arches of all kinds always amaze me.

  8. This is a beautiful church. I have been in Winchester Cathedral, but not this church. Thanks for the pictures.


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