January 27, 2019

Along Refuge Church Road

I like driving through the country so often I'll combine some errand with exploring the back roads.  The other day I turned off 340/522 before reaching Lake Frederick and wound up at Refuge United Methodist Church. The building dates to 1920.

There's a farm next to it and I think this building is a stable.

 I continued down the road and passed some nice barns. Some were not safe to photograph because the road has few places to pull over, but I did get a few for the barn linkup.

Today I'm also joining with InSpired Sunday and Shadow Shot Sunday.


  1. ...Linda, I'm glad that you went down this road, what a lovely church and those barns are great. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your week.

  2. Errands are dull, back roads are not - seems like a nice combination!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  3. Hello, love the barns and farm land. Beautiful! Have a happy day and a great new week ahead!

  4. Hi Linda...hope you have a great week. I'm looking forward to seeing what you post. These are great photos, and the fences in the foreground give good framing.

  5. Lovely interlude of landscape photos ~ love the barns ^_^

    Happy Monday to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. I combine errands with geocaching or just wandering looking at stuff all the time. That must be why my wife doesn’t send me on time sensitive errands. You found some really good stuff. I understand about passing up shots because there is not a safe place to park.

  7. I do love cruising back country roads. You'll often find something interesting as well as get lost.... which means another adventure...:)

  8. Your countryside always looks like something out of a book of paintings ... the way farms are supposed to look!

  9. Lovely country scenes. A drive in the country can be so relaxing.

  10. Nothing can surpass the beauty and joy found on a back road.

  11. Beautiful photographs Linda, as well as the wonderful blue skies, I thought the Church was lovely and the barns and rural scenes a delight to see.

    All the best Jan


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