December 18, 2018

Willow Shade

On Saturday it was pouring rain. Since I had pretty much recovered after not feeling well for three weeks, I was anxious to get out. I read that there was a craft sale at Willow Shade near Winchester, and since it is a historical site that is almost never open to the public, I decided it was worth the drive.

This was the childhood home of writer Willa Cather. I read her novel My Antonia many years ago.
Despite the impressive brick exterior, the house is similar to many Shenandoah farm houses on the inside, although the owners have made improvements such as electric fireplace inserts. Our hosts were very friendly and the art and craft items were nice.

We took several pictures of the historical marker out on Route 50 but the rain was coming down so hard that all the pictures are dark and blurred.

Willow Shade
This house, built in 1858, was the childhood home of novelist Willa Cather from 1874 to 1883, when she moved with her family to Nebraska. It was the setting of the final chapters of her novel SAPPHIRA AND THE SLAVE GIRL. Willa Cather was born December 7, 1873, one mile south in the community of Gore then known as Back Creek Valley.


  1. Não conhecia este escritor mas a casa é muito bonita, aproveito para desejar um Santo e Feliz Natal. 🎄

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa
    O prazer dos livros

  2. ...on my trip to Virginia I saw many of these historic markers, they are a nice style. This is an interesting house, we have several that look like it here. Thanks Limda for sharing, enjoy this special time of year.

  3. I didn't know Willa Cather originally was from VIrginia! I enjoyed several of her books, but they were about the West. The house looks very nice and well-preserved.

    best... mae at

  4. I enjoyed her writings, though it's been years since I've read any. I also didn't know she had lived in Virginia! A nice looking house and I'm glad it has been preserved. Thanks for your comment on my blog, and answering questions. I see why you're proud of your daughter's accomplishments now. That's great!

  5. It's quite a pretty place. That rocking chair draws my eye.

  6. Love her writing, nice to see where it all started

  7. A lovely looking old home and well preserved.

  8. Looks like a neat place to visit.

  9. So pleased you got out and about, enjoyed your post and photographs.

    All the best Jan

  10. So nice to be able to visit this lovely home and enjoy the display. I like the rocking chair.


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