October 1, 2018

Theme: Change

The City Daily Photo theme for October is "Change." This month is traditionally a time of change in weather, and (in northern places, at least), in the color of leaves. I wanted to avoid the obvious so ....

I photographed some change. I had an ulterior motive though. I wanted to make a meme to respond to folks who think the economy is the most important thing, and who believe the common myth that money is success.
"It is said on Wall Street, correctly, 'money has no conscience,' but don't allow that truism to let you ignore your own conscience, nor to alter your own conduct and character."
~ John Bogle, founder of Vanguard Group.
As for success, I thought about it long ago while taking a class in which I had to answer the question, "What is success?" Well, the first rule of success is to survive. So obviously you need the essentials of life: water, food, shelter. Beyond that, my belief is that Success is living in accordance with your values. It is not how much gold you have, or cars, or even your social standing.

Money has no conscience. Do you?


  1. Too easy for Wall Street types to just ignore anything that resembles a conscience, I think. Good take on the theme!

  2. Clever spin on the photo theme!

  3. All that change makes a good image and reminds me of all the foreign coins I have collected. Why on earth do I hang on to them?

  4. I like your take on the theme. With so many people using cards these days we are fast moving to a cashless society - now that is an another interesting change.

  5. Maybe many who work with money don't have one, mine can haunt me.

  6. Must say that change does make a good photograph.

    All the best Jan

  7. Clever take on the theme, and I like your commentary too. It makes me think.


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