October 13, 2018

Kid Stuff.

At the Valley Star Farm Pumpkin Patch near Luray.

The goats are real. The rest of today's critters are fun or educational.

The carved bear is in front of a store in Front Royal that sells hiking gear.

We were in that town today for the annual Festival of Leaves. Frank is posing with a giant insect that was bringing eyes to a pest control company's display.

The big teddy bear is named Marshmallow. She helps the ranger explain bear behavior to tourists in Shenandoah National Park. I caught the end of their presentation at Elkwallow Wayside.


  1. Cute looking goats, and I'd love that bear teddy too.

  2. Hello, The goats are cute. I love the bear carving, it would look nice on my deck. Nice teddy bear! Thanks so much for linking up your post. Happy Sunday,enjoy your day and new week ahead. PS, thanks for the comment on my blog.

  3. The goats are fun to see.

    I was up somewhere earlier today where there were warning signs posted that bears were in the area, but not a sight of them.

  4. Lovely to see.
    What a fun and colourful post - especially your 5th photograph :)

    All the best Jan

  5. I want that bear job. LOL Goats are fun to watch, we had a few. Like their cheese real well.

  6. Ok then...I’m not a girly girl who freaks out about bugs, but that giant insect is enough to make want to call the exterminator. I guess that is the point obviously. ... Love the goats.

  7. The goats are charming, and the other critters made me smile. :-)

  8. Goats can be lots of fun and good fence cleaners too


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