September 1, 2018

Theme: Teach.

The City Daily Photo theme for September 1st is "Teach." It just happens that I was in a favorite type of classroom yesterday, and that was outdoors.

The location was Belle Grove in Middletown and Ranger Shannon Moeck was teaching us about slavery in the Shenandoah Valley. One of her sources is The Narrative of Bethany Veney, A Slave Woman, which you can read online. I picked up a hard copy of this some years ago at a museum at Luray Caverns, which featured Mrs. Veney in an exhibit.

Our location at Belle Grove is not only beautiful but it is appropriate for the topic of slavery, because prior to the Civil War, enslaved people did much of the labor here. Being on location adds realism and depth to the stories of history.

Shannon is a ranger at Cedar Creek and Belle Grove National Historical Park.


  1. Oh yes, the outdoors is my kind of classroom.

  2. I would have enjoyed being a part of that class!

  3. A ranger is an ideal choice for the teaching theme!

    1. Yes. Not everyone realizes how much public education they do.


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