September 3, 2018

Madison Murals, Montpelier.

In the Visitor Center at James Madison's Montpelier, I noticed two huge paintings high on the walls. The first one shows James Madison reading the Bill of Rights to Congress in 1789.  It looked a bit dark in the light that we had so I made a brightened view of the main subject. The mural was painted by William Woodward.

Across the room and over another doorway is a mural of Dolley Madison preparing to leave the White House in 1814 as the British approached. Here she is directing the removal of a painting of George Washington to take it to safety. This turned out to be a good decision because the British burned the building.

You can read about First Lady Dolley Madison taking control of the evacuation in the Smithsonian Magazine, March 2010. There is also a close-up of this painting.

Also worth reading is the story of James Madison's role in the writing of the Constitution and (of course) The Bill of Rights. The Montpelier website also features articles on Madison and the Constitution.

Sharing with Monday Murals.

View all my Montpelier posts.


  1. Hello, they are awesome murals. I love the Dolly Madison mural. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  2. Gorgeous murals. I admire folks who have the ability to paint as, other than painting walls, it's a talent that eludes me.

  3. Very beautiful historic murals!
    Thanks for participating Linda

  4. To be fair, the Yanks came up and burned Toronto first. :)


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