July 23, 2018

Mural on a Blacksmith Shop.

I read that there were new murals in the town of Dayton, VA. Lynn and I drove around town and found them on the side of  a blacksmith shop. l

When I pulled into the parking lot of the shop, a horse and buggy followed me in. The driver unhitched his horse from the buggy and lead it into the bay of the shop. Soon I heard the metallic sound of horseshoes being tapped onto the horse's feet. 

Dayton is in an agricultural area where there are Mennonite families.

Sharing with Monday Murals.


  1. Wow, the blacksmith shop must have a lot of business.
    Thanks for the nice wall of murals Linda.

  2. ...a blacksmith shop isn't easily found these days!

  3. Super mural, and such a great wagon with modern rubber tires! Improvements over older styles! I had several ancestors who were blacksmiths.

  4. Blacksmiths must be in big demand in the countryside. Nice murals and I really like that wagon.

  5. Ah, there the blacksmith is still in demand.

  6. That is amazing! Makes you feel like the olden days!

  7. Neat murals! I like the one of the basket of apples. Also, how interesting to find a blacksmith's shop.

  8. Ha ha! I'd love to be followed by a horse and buggy.

  9. Love the mural and the wagon too!
    Lovely pictures.

    All the best Jan

  10. Not often that you see a blacksmith shop, these days.

  11. i always wonder how murals get where they are? so awesome!! hope u r enjoying your July ... hoping August will be a bit more cooler. i hope???! ( ;


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