July 23, 2017

Restoration Fellowship and the Three Tall Crosses

Many travelers on I-81 have seen the three tall crosses near Strasburg. They were erected by a local church, which also keeps lights shining on them at night. From the highway, it's quite a sight to see!

The church is called Restoration Fellowship Church.


  1. Hello, the crosses lit up at night does sound beautiful. A lovely sight. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. Que ideia boa a igreja é linda! bj

  3. I'm reminded of three crosses about three hours up the valley, also lit at night, but those are at the top of a high hill overlooking the river.

  4. That must be an incredible sight to see. The parking lot looks rather big, it must be a large congregation that attends that church.
    Have a wonderful week, Linda.

  5. Must have a good congregation.

  6. Then three crosses look good - one cross might have looked a little out of place.

  7. What an awesome display and a wonderfully modern church building.

  8. I'm sure this landmark is well known in the area and is something to see.


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