July 11, 2017

New Park on an Old Farm

A new dog park just opened in Woodstock. It is part of Fairview Park, which already had a soccer field and jogging trail.

The site was a farm and has a farmhouse and bank barn dating to about 1895. The master plan for the park refers to this as the Mary Wetzel farm.

The dog park features separate areas for big dogs and small dogs. The big dogs have some agility equipment. There is a shelter with benches, and even a doggy drinking fountain.


  1. ...Linda, your barn is much like the ones that we have in this area. The boarded up house still look good and square, I wonder if it will be fixed up! Dog parks are very popular these days. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hello, the dogs will be happy. Always nice to have a new park. Love the barn. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  3. This looks as if it is going to be an amazing park when everything is done. Are there any plans to renovate the house?

    1. I just checked the master plan and the intention is to fix up the house eventually.

  4. Nice to have near, you could take Flash for him to look over the other dogs

  5. That's awesome...dogs need something like this especially those that live in the city and confined when their owners have to work...good place to exercise them as well as humans!! We are going to have a new one for doggies too, soon.

  6. These are some awesome old buildings and I'm so glad that they are still standing. How nice to use the grounds in a sensible way.

  7. That looks like a neat dog park!

  8. I do like the barns in your photographs.

    All the best Jan


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