March 4, 2017

The Feeder Season is Almost Over

I still fill our bird feeders, although somewhat warily. I don't want to attract a bear! We had enough warm days to bring bears out of their dens, and they've been known to wander through our neighborhood in search of food.

A smaller but more common pest is the squirrel. Sqirrels eat huge amounts of bird seed if it's a kind that they like. Fortunately they aren't crazy about thistle seed so that lasts long enough for little birds to get plenty to eat.

Robins aren't attracted to bird seed; they like worms and berries. They migrate south during the winter so seeing one on Wednesday was a sign that spring is coming.

Ducks don't seem to care about our feeders either. Sparrows do, however. We seem to have a surplus of them.
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  1. Oh boy, I'd be a bit off in feeding the birds too if it attracts bears!!
    Of course, I love squirrels even tho they consume a good deal of our seed too. Love the woodpecker a portrait!
    And the robin, the sparrow, and the were lucky to get the blue wing exposed on your image!!

    Thanks so much for joining in with us bird enthusiasts this weekend and sharing your link at I'd Rather B Birdin'!

  2. I throw peanuts at the squirrels and they just look for more. Bears on the other hand are a little more scary.

  3. Hello, sweet birds. I love the cute sparrow. I would not want the bears around the yard and feeders. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day and the weekend!

  4. Lovely bird visitors. Yes, I hope you don't attract a bear to your yard!

  5. Great pics especially of the squirrel.

  6. Squirrels will of course raid them to their pleasure.

    Yes, when the bears are starting to emerge, it's time to stop feeding the birds.

  7. Lovely critters. But wise to be aware of wandering bears. Great shot of the squirrel and the cute one at the top :)

  8. Pretty birds! We have black bears in the woods near my house, but they only seem to be interested in people's garbage cans and I have never had one go near my feeders. The squirrels on the other hand are a problem.

  9. No bears here, so I am still feeding the birds!

  10. Beautiful church. Such great birds and squirrels! We have bears but not on the "peninsula" of Crooked River Ranch...they are mostly west in the Cascades and south of us. It's the mountain lions I worry about! :-)

  11. I'm thinking the squirrels probably eat the bird seed faster than a bear would -- since bears have more of a choice in their menu (like passing people, LOL). (I wouldn't want to attract them to my yard either. Seriously).

  12. I absolutely love this selection of photographs

    All the best Jan

  13. Great pictures! I like seeing all the feathered friends, but I'd be wary of the bears too!


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