November 17, 2016

Ginkgos and Fences

Two Weeks Ago at Blandy

The gingko leaves have fallen since then, but on November 3rd they were near their peak of color.

Blandy Experimental Farm near Boyce has a scenic grove of gingko trees.  Ginkgos are not native to Virginia but they are admired for their beauty.

Sharing with Good Fences


  1. Amazing scenes from the countryside. The tree line is especially appealing to me.

  2. such beautiful country. thank you, linja.

  3. These are lovely, peaceful scenes. Pretty colors!

  4. Your second photo is a great shot of those rows of golden trees!

  5. My favourite is your second photo, but they are all very nice scenes.

    All the best Jan

  6. Nice trees and fences! I've seen 2 or 3 Gingko trees, but never a grove of them!

  7. Beautiful fall colors in that first shot. Loving the rows of Ginko trees. We have a lot of them in our town and the Golden Yellow leaves are so pretty.

  8. We have a beautiful stand of gingkos near our post office and minor league baseball park in Binghamton, New York. I never did get there to admire the beauty this year. Ours are long gone, too. Alana

  9. Beautiful views...I wish they did expand. These are ones I would sure enjoy looking at.


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