October 10, 2016

Three Notes from the Weekend

The Good: After a rainy Saturday, we enjoyed a sunny day on Sunday, although it was windy. We don't have much autumn color yet and flowers are still blooming. 
Mosaic Monday and Today's Flowers
The Random: This mural is in the Johnny Appleseed Restaurant in New Market, VA. Unfortunately, the restaurant closed after Saturday. They served customers for 44 years!

The mural goes around a corner and into an alcove so a section is not clear in the photo, which I took with my cell phone. The soldier in front of it is a cardboard figure representing the VMI cadets were famously fought in the 1864 Battle of New Market.

Monday Murals
The Fun: On Sunday we went to Arbor Fest in Boyce. I bought a shrub and some bulbs and got to pet an alpaca. Alpacas are soft and cute and not aggressive like llamas. 

Sharing with Seasons


  1. Wonderful mosaics. The Alpaca photo is so sweet!

  2. I sincerely love everything in this post of yours, dearest Linda, thank you for sharing always interesting and heartwarming shots with us !

    Hope your week is off to a good start
    I'm sending hugs and ever much love to you

    Xx Dany

  3. Looks almost like summer there. Seeing color and decrease of blooms here.

  4. The autumn colors are slow to come. Our flowers are crowded out by weeds, which makes me "almost" wish for a freeze.

  5. It's lovely that your flowers are still blooming and keeping Autumn at bay for a little while longer. Gorgeous mosaic, glad you stopped by for MM again this week.

  6. Alas for the restaurant. We've gotten into cooler weather, with frost at night.

  7. Pretty mural. It's a shame the restaurant is closed. That's a lovely flower collage, and the alpaca is sweet-looking.

  8. Sad about the restaurant closing, the alpaca looks very friendly up close. You did a great job creating that flower collage.

  9. Am surprised that still a lot of flowers are blooming where you live. That is some mural!!And the alpaca is beautiful! It's always sad when a restaurant or store closes after being a part of the community for so long! Thanks you for sharing these lovely details with SEASONS. Hope your foot is healing well? Have a great week!

    1. My foot is healing, thanks. I still can't walk very far but every day is better.

  10. What an intricate mural. The depth of field and detail is impressive. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  11. Another fun post Linda. I enjoyed all the photos and the mosaics of flowers. Thanks for sharing them with Today's Flowers, so very much appreciated :)

  12. A sweet post. Your flowers are gorgeous.

  13. Pretty post! Beautiful flowers artfully arranged in your mosaic, sweet alpaca. But sorry about the restaurant closing, always sad to see an iconic local go out of business.

  14. Oh, very sad about the restaurant! I hope the mural will be preserved. May be one day I will succeed in convincing my husband to let me have 2 alpacas.

  15. I'm smitten with alpacas! Lots of pretty flowers in your mosaic. Sad to hear of the restaurant closing.


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