September 29, 2016

Update on Rockland Park

I recently stopped at Rockland Park and saw that a new paved trail or road is being constructed. As you can see in the first picture, it is lined by an anti-erosion fence for now. The park itself is new and being completed in stages over a period of years.

There is already a playground, walking trails, picnic shelters, and a  disc golf course. Warren County has a page about Rockland Park.

Sharing with Good Fences and Seasons


  1. Always lovely to see areas like this.

    All the best Jan

  2. Hello Linda!:) Lovely place, with lots of different diversions, and neat wooden fences.

  3. A very nice looking fence! Sounds like the trail will be a nice addition to this park.

  4. we can never have enough parks, what a joy to be near a new one.Many here are adding playgrounds made with old logs and rocks that were part of the surrounding area.

  5. A great new addition. People must be excited.

  6. It looks like a neat place to visit.


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