August 30, 2016

Car Show at the Air Show


  1. These cars seem to be in pristine shape. I know nothing about cars but love to look at the classics.
    Thanks for sharing at

  2. What a great collection of treasures we have this week Linda. If I have to pick a favorite, it would be the milk truck...wonderful. Thanks for shsring this week and please stop back again.

  3. I remember seeing milk trucks and even had a toy version of it. Nice photos Linda!

  4. i like that milk truck...there is a hull's drive-in out here...i wonder if it is the same family?

  5. I always see a few i had and a few i would like to have

  6. It looks as if the car show was as good as the air show.

  7. The first car is smiling with the hood up. I enjoy old cars too.

  8. The first car is smiling with the hood up. I enjoy old cars too.

  9. So nice to see these old cars, and they are all restored so beautifully.

  10. These are obviously well cared for.


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