August 12, 2016

A Tall Mill and Views from High Up

It's Willy Nilly Friday, World Elephant Day, and National Middle Child Day!
1. Yesterday I wrote about Thoroughfare Gap and Chapman's Mill, which is also known as Beverley Mill. Here's a photo of the ruins of the mill, which I'm showing in black and white. I showed a different view of the mill in March.

2. One of my favorite roads is Skyline Drive in Shenandoah National Park. People travel for miles to see it and I feel very fortunate that we live nearby. Don't worry about the young lady in the photo; there is enough solid ground on the other side of the wall catch her if she were to slip.
Sharing with Orange You Glad It's Friday
3. I usually take my camera when I go to Shenandoah National Park but one day I found myself there without it. I did have my cell phone, which is old and doesn't get sharp pictures like the new phones. Still, I liked this photo well enough to make it into a digital poster.

4. Below is another photo from Shenandoah National Park. I took it from the overlook closest to Front Royal and you can see part of the city in the valley below. I'm sharing this with My Town Shoot Out and Skywatch Friday.

5. Below we have a different view of part of Front Royal. I took this from Prospect Cemetery. 

Have a nice weekend!


  1. Love the ruined mill - such solid blocks of stone, and still standing. A fine photo.

  2. Awesome images! I love that ruined mill and the views are breathtaking. You live in a beautiful area.
    Enjoy your day!

  3. Such a gorgeous old structure in the first photo. And the last two scenes are so panoramic.

  4. You live is such a lovely area, Linda.

  5. I enjoyed all your photos Linda but the little one on his daddy's back was adorable and you paired it with the perfect quote.

  6. I love the mountains. Yes, you are fortunate to live in such a gorgeous place.

  7. We're tow of those people who drive miles to visit Skyline Drive. We hope to get back there next year.

  8. Gorgeous views, Linda. You're lucky to have this park so close by.

  9. Well, they say that your best camera is the one you have with you at the time... I'm glad I read the info beneath the photo of the girl on the ledge...phew..I hate to see people taking shots like that when there is a huge drop off. Cheers, Stan

  10. Skyline Drive is just spectacular!

  11. Beautiful views. The skyline drive is a treasure.

  12. we still haven't been on skyline of these days, maybe in the fall! wonderful shots and i do like your poster you made! thank you for linking linda and have a great week!!

    1. Well, you have the Blue Ridge Parkway and it is similar. Skyline has more stone walls and runs through Shenandoah National Park so it doesn't have the farms adjacent like the Parkway does. Both roads are spectacular!

  13. "Don't worry about the young lady in the photo; there is enough solid ground on the other side of the wall catch her if she were to slip."

    I'm glad you said that - when I first looked at the photo I was quite worried!

    Love your last two scenic photo's.

    All the best Jan

  14. You have posted quite a bit in August! Your phone takes good pics!


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