March 15, 2016

Squirrelly Sports

Sharing with Our World Tuesday


  1. Such fun - great captures!

  2. Cute shots of the squirrel but it looks like he is being very naughty. At least the birds will think so.

  3. Great shots, and the first and final one show why I find squirrels to be so entertaining! I know they trouble our bird feeders, but I still can't consider them to be pests!
    Thanks for sharing at

  4. Saw some squirrel sport on Saturday, one was hopping back to it's nest when a buzzard flew down and nearly nailed it. The squirrel only just managed to get to the tree and safety. Nice photos

  5. Those squirrels are quite the acrobats aren't they? They will do anything for food.

  6. Those squirrels are so agile!

  7. It looks like you have the squirrel Olympics going on there. :)

  8. A wonderful photos !! Really spectacular!!

  9. Those critters are so smart. The second image looks like he wants to play some football :)

  10. Great shots! Squirrels are always fun to watch.


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