March 22, 2016

Rural Scenes and a Sculpture

Tom the Backroads Traveller is a prolific blogger who actually publishes more often than I do! He also has two memes running today: The Barn Collective and Tuesday's Treasures. I've got some barns to link up, plus a sculpture for the Treasures category. It is at Randolph Macon Academy in Front Royal and is called The Cadet. Notice the dove of peace on the handle of the sword.

The sculptor is Edward J. Fraughton.


  1. It is a lovely sculpture, and such scenic photos of the Virginia countryside. Virginia is a beautiful state that I have grown to love dearly.

  2. Linda, I never tire of your scenes from squirrel ridge, they are lovely with the backdrop of the mountains. The sculpture is striking and so nice to see the dove of peace, something that is so necessary now. Thanks for joining in today and I hope that you return soon.

  3. Beautiful countryside photos. The sculpture with the dove of peace is so appropriate for these times.

  4. Rather nice sculpture, shame there was not more peace around

  5. Beautiful rural scenes Linda.. Love the sculpture and as all above, wish incidents like Brussels were no longer possible.


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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