January 13, 2016

The End of the Shenandoah River

The town of Harpers Ferry is situated between the Shenandoah and Potomac Rivers. The rivers meet and continue downstream as one under the name Potomac River, which flows past the nation's capital and eventually finds the Chesapeake Bay.

Sharing with Wednesday Waters


  1. Such beautiful, soft colours on these lovely waters.

  2. I have never been there, looks like a neat place to explore and photograph.

  3. We live, where Rhine and Nahe meet. Bingen is near the Loreley. Herzlich Pippa

  4. I've been there a few times, most recently three years ago this month for my honeymoon. Lovely place.

  5. I would enjoy visiting this part of your area. Beautiful shots!

  6. It would be so lovely to visit and walk by this river.

    Just love the colours and the way the light is shining.

    Thanks for sharing your part of the world with us.

    All the best Jan

  7. Pretty shots! I especially like the second one.

  8. Love the colors in the sky. Thanks for sharing with "Through my Lens"

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. I read one time that Harpers Ferry used to have an apostrophe after Harper and then they changed it from Harper's Ferry to Harpers Ferry. LOL don't know why or where I learned that.


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