January 24, 2016

Birds in the Blizzard

Cardinal and Sparrow

Female Cardinal 
Male Cardinal
These birds braved the storm yesterday. They don't seem to mind the snow.


  1. Maravilhosos ..amo pássaros!

  2. My goodness!!!! Beautiful. That cardinal stance is like he's 'jumping for joy' with the wintry day. Love it.

    Thanks for adding your link to this post over the weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'. Hope to see you next time.

  3. The cardinal does ballet! Or the Flamenco!!

  4. Beautiful photos! They do look just as happy as if the sun was shining! :-) Hope you are doing OK in the snow!

  5. Wonderful birds and great shots!

  6. As long as they're fed, they're happy!

  7. I'm sure they appreciate the feed you put out for them after such a storm. Nice shots.


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