November 8, 2015

Night and Day Churches

I've posted pictures of the tall crosses near Strasburg before, and here's a recent attempt to capture them at night. Two of them had already disappeared behind the trees by the time the shutter clicked. (Frank was driving.) If you've driven south on that section of I-81 at night, you were likely startled by the brightness of those crosses, which appear rather suddenly.  They are adjacent to a church on state route 55.

churchThat's not a great shot, so here's a pretty church that's suitable for Sunday linkups. This is St. Andrews Episcopal in Mt. Jackson, VA. Back when we lived in Basye, I belonged to a garden club that held meetings there.
Sharing with InSPIREd Sunday 


  1. Do like that church. looks welcoming

  2. what a gorgeous church. love all those details. way cool. you have a wonderful week!! ( :

  3. I really like that final church. So pretty!

  4. Those crosses would be startling to see in the dark like that. The Episcopal church is quite lovely.

  5. The spire on the church has a great shape.

  6. That is a very beautiful church.

  7. A very interesting steeple.

  8. St. Andrews looks like a lovely church. Neat to see the crosses...and I am glad to hear Frank was driving. ;) Cell-phone drivers are bad enough!


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